Written by:
Martin Lamb,
Maple Consulting LTD
The “Creating Cohesive Communities” White Paper has been launched by Amey Consulting with the aim to understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on community infrastructure, focusing on the Cardiff Capital Region. The initiative is led by Caroline Lewis at Amey Consulting in Wales, Paul Slevin at Chambers Wales, with ITEN member, Martin Lamb from Maple Consulting Ltd, providing specialist technical input.
A consultation period held between October – December 2020 with 68 local organisations, captured insights from across various market sectors, focussing on infrastructure challenges in Wales and the priorities needed to aid recovery in a post-pandemic future. The project looked to capture the challenges affecting local businesses and their respective communities, seeking opinions from a diverse range of public and private sector organisations and community groups on local challenges and issues that should be addressed to help create more cohesive communities.
The consultation process engaged and captured insights from various market sectors into the infrastructure challenges facing Wales and the priorities for recovery in a post-pandemic future.
The aim is to develop a legacy to create a better ‘new normal’. Around 70% of people who responded were working from home during the time of the roundtables, with those who were not, generally working in the manufacturing sector.
30% of people working from home and another 45% splitting their working patterns could have a profound effect on commuting patterns and the requirement for public transport provision.
Whilst this report focuses on phase one, the team’s aspirations are to continue with a second phase that will see further industry engagement to identify and explore innovative and technology driven infrastructure solutions that will help us to create a more cohesive community.