People & Skills 

2 December 2020

Six Key Questions: Apprenticeships, A Genius Decision – Apprenticeships Expert Answers Your Key Questions on Recruiting an Apprentice

Apprenticeships Programme Development Manager Catherine Morris-Roberts, at the National Training Federation for Wales, speaks to us about apprenticeships, the countless benefits of recruiting an apprentice and tackles some of the most common questions she’s been asked by businesses in Wales.



Why choose an apprenticeship?

There are so many benefits you can gain from recruiting an apprentice – it doesn’t matter what size or sector your business is in. If you’re looking to grow a skilled workforce, then apprenticeships are an affordable way to attract fresh talent, hungry to learn and  loyal to your business. The Apprenticeship Programme in Wales can also be used to increase the skill levels of your current workforce.

Employers are able to tailor apprentice’s training so they’re armed with the knowledge and practical skills that will specifically meet the requirements of your business and plug any skills gaps you may have. So, not only will you be ahead of your competitors with the very latest skills, but you’ll also develop a pipeline of talent that could future-proof your business for years to come.

How do I recruit an apprentice?

You will be provided with as much support as you need throughout the recruitment process, so if you’ve never recruited an apprentice before you shouldn’t let this deter you. First, you’ll need to complete a simple Expression of Interest Form on the Skills Gateway for Business website.  An Employer Engagement Adviser will then contact you to talk through the different apprenticeship routes and levels available so you can choose the right option for your business. Alternatively, if you are already engaged with a training provider, you can speak with them directly.

The Welsh Government has an Apprenticeship Vacancy Service that allows you to advertise your apprenticeship opportunities to potential candidates and access a wide pool of talent.

There is also support available through training providers and Business Wales to help employers write job descriptions, contracts of employment and company policies if needed. We can also refer employers who require support with HR to one of the regionally based Business Wales HR Advisers.

What is expected from me throughout the Apprenticeship Programme?

Once you’ve decided on which apprenticeship route you want to undertake an advisor will let you know which training providers can support the delivery of your provision and you can choose which one you’d like to work with.

Your training provider will work with you to develop a personalised Training Programme for your apprentice that supports your specific business needs, as well as managing your apprentice’s training and assessment.

You will need to assign a mentor within your organisation to support your apprentice’s training and progression. This is a brilliant opportunity to pass on existing skills and knowledge from experts in the field.

What are the costs involved?

The Welsh Government is currently offering businesses an incentive payment of up to £3,000 for each apprentice they recruit until February 28, so now is a great time to take on an apprentice. Most of the training costs are covered by the Welsh Government you’ll need to cover the wage of the apprentice, as you would with any employee.

Can you tell us more about the apprenticeship incentives?

You could receive up to £3,000 for each new apprentice you take on, depending on their age and their number of contracted hours. Employers who recruit apprentices with a disability can receive up to £1,500 while those employers who choose to recruit an apprentice made redundant could receive up to £2,600. Visit the Skills Gateway for Business for more information about this funding.

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected apprenticeships?

Businesses are still able to recruit new apprentices during the pandemic, training providers will need to do a health and safety review of the workplace and as long as your business operations are COVID secure training programmes can go ahead.

Whilst the pandemic has undoubtedly affected businesses and the recruitment of all sectors in Wales the apprenticeships team are currently seeing an increase in demand for apprenticeships, receiving more and more leads every week.

Companies who have needed to furlough staff and make use of the Job Retention Scheme meanwhile have been able to do the same with their apprentices as they qualify as employees. But most furloughed apprentices have been able to continue to make progress with their Apprenticeship Programme as training providers quickly moved their delivery online.

Make a genius decision and find out more about the Apprenticeship Programme in Wales,  visit

For more information about recruiting an apprentice, visit  or call 03000 6 03000

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