People from across Wales are being urged to have their say and help shape the commissioning of the nation’s educational resources.
Earlier this year the Welsh Government established Adnodd, a new body to co-ordinate and oversee the provision and commissioning of bilingual education resources to support the Curriculum for Wales and its qualifications.
Adnodd’s vision is for learners and practitioners to have access to relevant, high quality and innovative resources, in Welsh and English, which enrich learning and teaching and help every learner succeed.
Historically, education resources have been available from a vast array of organisations and companies, but up until now this provision has not been co-ordinated. There has also been no fairness in the provision and availability of both Welsh and English with difficultly to ensure the quality of these resources.
As part of establishing its commissioning process Adnodd is calling on a wide range of people from practitioners and learners, through to parents, carers and those working in the industry to share their thoughts and help shape the future work of the body through completing a short online survey.
Speaking of the importance of people engaging with the survey, Interim Chair of Adnodd, Owain Gethin Davies said,
“We are currently gathering the views of those with an interest in our work through online surveys.
“Whether you are a practitioner in Wales, a parent or carer, a creative content company or an organisation that produces educational resources, we value your thoughts and now is your chance to have your say and influence our future work and help improve our children’s education.”
Parents, carers and learners who complete the online surveys will be entered into a prize draw for a £100 book token, redeemable at a range of retailers and independent bookshops across Wales. Meanwhile, teaching practitioners will also be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 book token for use in connection with their teaching work.
A link to the online surveys can be found here: