With non-essential businesses in Wales starting to re-open their doors this week with new hygiene and social distancing guidelines in place, Swansea University’s latest webinar takes a detailed look at how we can safely and effectively move forward with business, research and innovation within the context of the current and evolving COVID-19 landscape.
Using artificial intelligence to understand the psychological & societal impacts of the pandemic, mapping a route to recovery in big data, accessing Wales’ Business Rejuvenation Programme and learning from the journey of other businesses are just a few of the topics that will be covered.
Open to all and free to attend, guests will be offered the opportunity to spend up to 3 minutes introducing themselves, their business’s COVID-19 experience and how they would be interested in collaborating with organisations from across the region.
Event Details:
Thursday 25th June 2020 – 10.30 – 12.15
Registration via Zoom: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/swansea-university-linc-emerging-from-covid-19-lockdown-tickets-107680001784
10.30: Welcome, Jess Hughes, Swansea University LINC
10.35: Using Artificial Intelligence to better understand the psychological & societal impacts on COVID-19, Dr Frederic Boy
10.42: CEPR policy – Cultural and economic discrimination by the Great Leveller: The COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, Dr Annie Tubadji, Swansea University
10.50: Business Wales Rejuvenation Programme update, Catherine Orton, Business Wales
11.05: Our COVID-19 Journey, Alison Orrells, The Safety Letterbox Company (RENZ UK)
11.20: Mapping the route to recovery in data, Dr Simon Rudkin, Swansea University
11.35: Engaging with the Swansea University and what funded collaboration could look like, Jess Hughes, Swansea University LINC
11.45: 3-Minute Guest Pitching
For further Information on Swansea University’s response to COVID-19, please visit: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/about-us/covid-19/