People & Skills 

26 March 2019

Body Language Expert Reveals How to Portray Confidence at Work

Its no surprise that confidence is increasingly important to stand out in today’s competitive market place. However, confidence isn’t something your necessarily born with, its a trait that is built over time and the first step to building confidence is understanding how to show it.

But wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could boost your confidence in your skills, abilities and activities in the workplace? Confident individuals are be more likely to be offered further opportunities.

Grosvenor Casinos have teamed up with the UK’s leading body language expert Robert Phipps to reveal the signs to show you are seen as confident at work through body language.

5 signs that show confidence

1. Posture

Posture is the first thing people see and gives everyone around you an insight into how you’re feeling, whether you’re standing, walking around, or even sitting at a your desk. In order to project confidence ensure that you are holding yourself upright and expand your chest and shoulders “high-power” poses.

2. Head position

Head position can gives away both negative and positive emotions. To show confidence keep your chin up and hold your head horizontally level or raise it slightly upward. A tip is to pretend that their is a string holding the crown of the head up this posture portrays that you are both confident, open and relaxed. On the flip side those lacking confidence will often stoop their posture and lower their head.

3. Eye contact

Eye contact  might be one of the trickiest ways to show confidence through body language however eye contact is a crucial indicator of confidence. Confident people have no problem looking at someone in the eyes when they’re speaking, and they tend to hold their gaze much more when they’re listening. Keeping eye contact communicates that you are happy to keep conversation and interact, so its important to get into the habit of doing this.

4. Stance and walk

Standing up straight with your shoulders back and a slightly wider gait shows that you aren’t afraid to stride through life. This is possibly the most important means of projecting confidence, so concentrate on standing up straight and walking with your head held high – you will be surprised how much more confident this makes you look.

5. Breathing

Try to focus having smoother breathing especially when dealing with a nerve wracking situation at work. Take long breaths that fill your lungs with air, which makes sense, as the more oxygen you get to your brain, the better and calmer you feel.

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